Strategies To Transform Your Retirement Guide
Live Well at HomeTM
Retirement should be an exciting stage of life. Australians are living longer, healthier lives - for most, that means up to 30 years in retirement. The main thing holding many people back from realising their retirement dreams is adequate retirement funding.
This downloadable guide examines how we can help you access your Household CapitalTM, the savings in your home, to improve your retirement funding.
What you get in the guide
This guide outlines how you can use your home equity to have the best of both worlds - stay at home and enjoy a comfortable retirement lifestyle. It includes information about our Household Loan, as well as explanations and case studies examining the different ways you can use a Household Loan. These include:
- Regular income - set up a fortnightly or monthly income stream
- Refinance - free up your cash flow by paying out your home loan
- Live - renovate your home, replace your car or pay medical expenses
- Top-up - add to super or other investments
- Give - be the 'bank of mum and dad' and help kids and grandkids
- Care - get the best of in-home or residential aged care.
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Who should download this guide?
If you want to improve your retirement funding and Live Well At Home, you should consider the role home equity can play in transforming your retirement. Download this guide if:
- You are aged 60 plus
- You’re already retired or are planning to retire in the near future
- You have equity savings in your home
- Your retirement savings are insufficient to fund 30 plus years of retirement.
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Learn how accessing your home wealth could help you consolidate debts or increase your income.